Breeding space for unpasteurized creativity
If you like our artwork, join us!
This is a passion project and we like making weird stuff. The Project is an experiment to see if this type of expression brings people together. If this art fits your interest, as it does for us, please join our community. Let's enjoy the shameless art together!
Unpasteurized Artistic Space
Most artists are imprisoned by societal norms. To correct this we have to create a safe space for them to express their inner worlds. Shameless Studio is aiming to be one of those spaces. Artists can look for completeness instead of chasing sick perfection in societal guidelines.
Direct Audience Exposure
Some of the artists have to go through hell to find the right niche. That's where Shameless Studio steps in and offers to be the medium between artist and Shameless audience. The project aims to expose and present the art without restrictions to everyone and everywhere.
Societal Paradigm Shift
The more people will be able to resonate with the Shameless art and be part of this community, the more openness should be able to enter our society. Shameless Studio should be one of the ways to help break harmful constructs and enable us to move into a freer and less suppressed world.
The numbers can be outdated. The information you see is copied from collection information. This project is in constant development so eventually, we will be able to provide more up-to-date statistics.
Collections Created
2 collections
Artworks Sold
20+ artworks
Artworks Minted
40+ artworks
Floor Price
0.99 SOL
Total Volume
30+ SOL